
Powershell issues

nprail opened this issue · 8 comments

npm-audit-html doesn't seem to work in Powershell. Piping npm audit --json into npm-audit-html does not actually work. For some reason, there is no stdin. The process just silently exits.

Also, reading directly from a JSON files doesn't work in Powershell (e.g. npm audit --json > audit.json; npm-audit-html -i audit.json). The readJson function fails due to charector encoding issues.

Seems to be working here, with PowerShell 5.1 (Windows 10 default):

Also, reading directly from a JSON files doesn't work in Powershell

Yes, this really fails.

@AdrianoCahete Interesting. What terminal are you using? Also, what Node version?

It's PowerShell running inside cmder.

λ node --version

Interesting. I'm running the exact same build of Powershell as you so it must be the terminal emulator that is breaking it for me. I'm using Windows Terminal but I also tried the default terminal.

I'm running Node v12.13.0.

It looks like this is really two separate issues. I'll be digging into it when I have time (hopefully sometime before the end of the week).

PowershelI is a special cookie! I just added “>” and it works.

npm audit --json > npm-audit-html

@jonizen That seems to just write the JSON to a file named npm-audit-html for me.

@jonizen That seems to just write the JSON to a file named npm-audit-html for me.

Same here 😢

Edit: The regular pipe command worked fine in the command prompt.

PowerShell won't support piping output from one non-PowerShell command to another. You can still execute the cmd version of the command via PowerShell by passing it as a parameter to cmd.

cmd /c 'npm audit --json | npm-audit-html'