
Pre-launch notes

sethshoultes opened this issue · 3 comments

Pre-launch notes

PayPal Express Checkout’s Smart Payment Buttons feature gives merchants a variety of ways to customize payment buttons on the checkout page, including the option to pay using Venmo.

GitHub slug: eea-paypal-smart-buttons

PUE product library: eea-paypal-smart-buttons
Product page slug: eea-paypal-smart-buttons
Recurly plan code: eea_paypal_smart_buttons+yearly (note the underscores)

Recurly live plan URL: https://eventespresso.recurly.com/plans/eea_paypal_smart_buttons+yearly
Product page URL: https://eventespresso.com/product/eea-paypal-smart-buttons
Documentation page: https://eventespresso.com/wiki/paypal-express-checkout-smart-payment-buttons-payment-gateway

Will leave a note here: this add-on was added to our grunt buildmachine.

ran github label sync tool (see https://github.com/orgs/eventespresso/teams/staff/discussions/4) so this now has the right labels

this was released