
Under what conditions does Venmo appear?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi Mike, an event organizer asked about Venmo not appearing:


Could you ask Nate for feedback on exactly when Venmo will appear?

I understand from their docs that it is mobile only but are there any other requirements for it to appear?

I also did see this help doc: https://help.venmo.com/hc/en-us/articles/217042888-How-It-Works

...but I'm still not clear on when it appears. The doc sounds like it applies to a mobile app.

This doc sounds like it may fit us more because it talks about an integration rather than a mobile app:


And this link too: https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/venmo-and-my-paypal-account-faq3478

AFAIK the only conditions should be: they're on mobile, and they're in the USA. Emailed Nate Sanders (cc'd Lorenzo) asking for clarification.

Here is the reply:

There is an additional condition for the Venmo button to show. The customer must have the Venmo App on their phone, and they must enable “Merchant Payments” in the app.

This is currently a requirement as the Venmo payment option is still fairly new, and there are still some use-cases that Venmo cannot support.

To enable merchant payments in the Venmo app, the customer must follow these steps:

Open the Venmo app
Go to Settings
Go to “Connect Browsers”
Connect the Browser.

After the browser is connected, the Venmo button will show. If the user is on an iPhone, they may only have the option to connect the Safari browser. In that case, if on an iPhone they must view the page with the buttons in Safari.

Sorry for all the conditions here with Venmo, but please know that these conditions are being reduced all the time as new features are supported for Venmo payments. The Venmo buttons were released as soon as they were ready to start processing transactions, and Event Espresso was very early in adopting the option, so there may be scenarios where it won’t show to be part of that leading edge of new products.

The steps do work!


I'm updating our docs for Event Smart and Event Espresso. Then I'll follow up with the customer and post a note about this to the weekly P2.

Alright, I've updated the docs, product pages, followed up with the customer, and posted a note to the weekly p2.