
Pointer 'hDefn' is NULL in 'OGR_F_Create'

crabbixOCE opened this issue · 3 comments

This error gets thrown when I try to use GeoDataFrames.write() with the .gpkg or .shp file formats. I am certain that it is not a problem with the data, as this error occurs even when trying to write a dataframe that has just been read unmodified from a working .gpkg file. Function was previously working, but has broken after I tried to install the Turf.jl package

Thanks for reporting! Maybe something changed in your environment? Can you check you have the latest version with posting the output of Pkg.status() (or ]st) here?

Otherwise, it's probably something special with your data, and posting a file, or describing the schema would help.

Probably the reason is that Turf.jl is not compatible with GeoInterface v1, and therefore downgrading GDAL related packages to a really old version.

I assume there isn't really much we can do besides updating Turf.jl.


Yeah, looks like installing Turf.jl downgraded me to GeoDataFrames 0.2.4 and ArchGDAL 0.8.6. Updating both packages to their latest versions fixed the issue - although when I tried to do this with ]up GeoDataFrames it didn't work, I had to specify the version with ]add GeoDataFrames@0.3.6