
Keyboard Shortcuts

hughess opened this issue · 6 comments

Keyboard shortcuts for common actions in Evidence (VS Code commands). E.g., start/stop dev server, build, etc.

Cmd+Enter to run queries?

Some common options ( I think these were from my C++ days)

  • Start server: F5
  • Stop server: Shift + F5
  • Build: F7

Need to check they don't conflict with other stuff people want to do

A shortcut to run/stop the preview would also be great. Maybe something like Cmd + E, and the same can be used to start or stop the server (toggles it on/off - same as the button)

I also want a shortcut to reboot the server when currently running.

  • Reboot server: Ctrl + Shift + F5


  • Start server: F5
  • Stop server: Shift + F5

This would be mapping our concept of dev server to the VSCode concept of debuging, which feels reasonable

F1-12 keys appear to be bad options

They behave oddly if you have an active bash or zsh terminal in VSCode, where they print ~ characters instead of activating the hotkey.