
Feature Request: Calculate "obtained loot score" by Needed Loot / Attendance

justinsnes opened this issue · 1 comments

This is something our guild has started tracking in a separate Google sheet but it would be awesome to have within the addon. The idea is that when a new phase starts, the values reset and attendance is counted per raid day. Additionally, any loot marked as "Upgrade" or "BiS" counts as one piece of loot rewarded. So someone that has raided 3 days and gotten 2 pieces of loot would have a score of .67 while another raider that has raided 5 days and received 1 piece of loot would have a score of .2. The idea is to help "spread the love" to those who haven't gotten as much loot as others in the raid.

Some additional ideas:
Attendance would be by raid window and not day. So if a raid runs over midnight, it would not count as 2 attendance points.
Attendance and loot history could be shared/synced among raid members. This could get tricky but would be awesome if we could do it.

We're still a bit new to RC loot council so let me know if there are other features that could be used in place of what I mentioned here. If anything, perhaps something focusing on attendance alone would be better as far as implementing in phases. Also, thanks for your hard work on this great loot app. It's helped us out a lot in our loot council needs.

Attendance tracking is basically a whole addon's work in and of itself (several already exists).
It's something I want to do eventually (in fact already started working on), but it's a massive task (so far I'm at 3k lines of code, and that's without a UI), and I've put it on hold indefinitely. Maybe one day when I have time I'll pick it up again.

Most of the info you need is already available in the "More Info" tooltip in the voting frame though, albeit in a more basic form than full blown attendance tracking.