AI-Based Intelligent Camera Decision-Making System

Problem Statement

This project aims to design and implement an AI-based intelligent camera decision-making system to address challenges in traditional surveillance methods. The goal is to process video data, identify crucial events, and make real-time informed decisions. The system addresses issues such as human fatigue, delayed responses, and the need for continuous monitoring.


Integrating Pre-installed Security Cameras

  • A cost-effective approach leveraging existing infrastructure.
  • Upgrade camera firmware for compatibility.
  • Implement adaptive machine learning for continuous improvement.

Processing Real-time Video Data via Media Pipes

  • Utilizing the Mediapipe framework for face and body pose recognition, hand tracking, etc.
  • Implementing deep learning models (CNN) for object (arms) detection.
  • Object detection using OpenCV.

Triggers for Suspicious Activity on Authorized Person’s Handheld Device

  • Mobile app integration for instant updates on suspicious activity.
  • Location, photo, and timestamp of the incident provided with the alert.
  • Email alerts for maintaining a record of the activity.

Re-assurance in Case of Misjudged Decision

  • Photo proof sent along with the alert to avoid misjudgments.

Solution Implementation

Hardware and Infrastructure Setup

  • High-resolution cameras for advanced video capture.
  • GPU for accelerated deep learning algorithms.
  • Multicore CPU, sufficient RAM, and high-speed storage.
  • Robust network infrastructure for seamless data transfer.

Software and Technology

  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, Kotlin
  • Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, CNN, LSTM, SVM, etc.
  • Tools: OpenCV for computer vision, Mediapipe for body postures and hand tracking
  • Cloud Services: Google Cloud Platform

Team Members & Responsibilities

  • Kshitiz Agrawal: Integration of mobile and sensors for data collection.
  • Aarohi Saxena: Machine Learning & Research.
  • Rachit Goyal: Sensors integration and IoT.


The proposed AI-based intelligent camera decision-making system overcomes limitations in traditional surveillance methods, offering real-time analysis, quick decision-making, and continuous monitoring. The interdisciplinary approach makes it suitable for integration in police stations, empowering authorities with quick and authentic crime case information.

Graphical Representation

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10 42 59 PM

This README provides an overview of the AI-based system, its components, and the team's responsibilities. For a detailed guide on installation and usage, please refer to the project documentation.