
0x80004002 - No such interface supported

Okaghana opened this issue · 6 comments

Hey there. I'm trying to send a string via AHI, but I keep getting error messages. Here is my existing code:

#Persistent ; (Interception hotkeys do not stop AHK from exiting, so use this)
#include <AutoHotInterception>

global AHI := new AutoHotInterception()
keyboard = AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x1017, 0xA003)

	For index, char in StrSplit(string)
		AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(%char%), 1)
		AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(%char%), 0)


As soon as I run it, the script stops as tells me

0x80004002 - No such interface supported

, followed by an excerpt from AutoHotInjection.ahk.

The rest of AHI works fine, the examples work without a problem


evilC commented

keyboard in your function is a local variable, not global. You are passing an empty value for that parameter

	global keyboard ; use keyboard var from global scope
	For index, char in StrSplit(string)
		AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(%char%), 1)
		AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(%char%), 0)

That doesn't fix the error. I still get

0x80004002 - No such interface supported

Same for passing the keyboard as a function parameter

evilC commented

AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(%char%), 1) is also wrong
Function calls (GetKeySC) are already in "expression syntax", so wrapping char in % symbols is performing a double dereference
AHI.SendKeyEvent(keyboard, GetKeySC(char), 1)

Also doesn't fix it.

evilC commented

keyboard = AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x03EB, 0xFF02) should be keyboard := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x1017, 0xA003)
You were literally setting the variable keyboard to the text AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x1017, 0xA003), not to the value that GetKeyboardId returns

That fixes is. Thank you!