Using in Linux
mclang opened this issue · 2 comments
I try to most of my gaming in Linux.
Should I try this and UCR-C# on my Linux box, or is it time wasted?
Would trying with Mono or with Dotnet be better bet to get this working?
At the moment, IOWrapper / UCR are Windows only.
Everything is .NET Framework, which is not cross-platform.
At some point we want to move to .NET Core, which is cross-platform, however even if that happens, we would need providers for IOWrapper that supported linux.
The most commonly used input providers (DirectInput and XInput) would be pointless on Linux I think, as they don't exist, and as far as output providers go (eg vJoy), do they even exist?
I think it would be possible to write a generic HID provider that was cross-platform though.
Of course, if you have any abilities in this area, you are most welcome to pitch in and help out with the conversion.
I wish I had the time to help :(
I happened to stumble upon this tough:
Maybe the code in that helps if somebody has the time to check this out.