
Error message when lefthook is older could include more info

technicalpickles opened this issue · 1 comments

⚡ Summary

If you have a min_version in lefthook.yml, and try to run a hook using it, you get a failure like:

Error: required Lefthook version is higher than current

I'd propose adding some info like:

  • the current version running
  • the version requested
  • the path of lefthook that is running


This would make it easier to help someone figure out why it's failing.

One example I have run into is with having both homebrew and gem installed lefthook... if you use rbenv or another shim based ruby version manager, you typically would have that on the PATH before a homebrew installed one, and it's really easy for those to get out of sync.

Behavior and configuration changes

That's a good improvement! Thank you. I will try to achieve this but your PR is also welcome.