
a missing dependency in the OS doesn't allow Arc to start

steowens opened this issue · 8 comments



Description of the bug or feature.

Starting arc with the command: ./arc -config /home/arcd/config.json -log /home/arcd/arcd.log

arc fails to start


Raspberry PI zero acting as an ethernet device on a Mac. When shed in to the PI zero at raspberrypi.local.

Please provide:

  • Contents of the json configuration file you are using (remove the password hash before posting).
    "address": "",
    "port": 443,
    "max_req_size": 524288,
    "username": "arc",
    "password": "$hahawishyouknew!!",
    "secret": "hahawishyouknew!!",
    "certificate": "/home/arcd/arc-tls-cert.pem",
    "key": "/home/arcd/arc-tls-key.pem",
    "database": "/home/arcd/arcdb",
    "token_duration": 60,
    "compression": true,
    "scheduler": {
    "enabled": true,
    "period": 10,
    "reports": {
    "enabled": false,
    "rate_limit": 60,
    "filter": [ "login_ok", "login_ko", "token_ko", "update", "record_expired" ],
    "to": "youremail@gmail.com",
    "address": "smtp.gmail.com",
    "port": 587,
    "username": "youremail@gmail.com",
    "password": "your smtp password"
    "pgp": {
    "enabled": true,
    "private": "/server.key",
    "public": "
    "backups": {
    "enabled": false,
    "period": 1800,
    "folder": "/some/backup/path/",
    "run": "scp arc-backup.tar user@backup-server:/media/arc_backup/"

  • Operating system and browser versions used as clients.
    curl and safari

  • If possible, any javascript log on the browser developer console.
    This is not needed since the server refuses connection.

  • uname -a of the arc server.
    Linux raspberrypi 5.4.51+ #1333 Mon Aug 10 16:38:02 BST 2020 armv6l GNU/Linux

  • Debug output while reproducing the issue ( arc --log-debug ... ).
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 inf arc v1.3.4 (linux arm) is starting ...
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 inf Loading configuration from /home/arcd/config.json ...
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 war Creating database /home/arcd/arcdb ...
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 dbg Loading index from '/home/arcd/arcdb' ...
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 dbg dbNextId=0
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 inf 0 B of records loaded in 888µs.
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 dbg Starting scheduler with a period of 10s ...
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 war Backups are disabled.
    2020-08-20 17:55:11 !!! No PEM block found.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. First Step
    While logged in as arcd on the server with arc stored in the /home/arcd folder and in bash with pwd outputting "/home/arcd'
    type the following command:
    ./arc -config /home/arcd/config.json -log /home/arcd/arcd.log -debug

  2. Second Step*
    Attempt to access the server

  3. That's it, you can't.

Expected behavior: What you expected to happen
The server starts and serves pages

Actual behavior: What actually happened
The server fails to start and generates a cryptic message in the log.



OK so I see the issue, arc failed to generate a certificate because the PI os is missing a dependency but does generate a zero length pair of files on initial startup.

So this is first time user stuff I suppose, I got the system to start once I provided valid certificates but didn't get further than logging in and then trying to create a store. At which point I get a 403 for whatever reason

2020-08-20 18:23:50 inf New event (Pool size is 1): login_ok{when:2020-08-20 18:23:50.262433 +0100 BST m=+76.007258001 what:'Successful login.'}.
2020-08-20 18:23:50 err 'POST /auth' > User steve requested new API token
2020-08-20 18:23:50 err 'GET /api/config' > Requested configuration.
2020-08-20 18:23:50 err 'GET /api/stores' > Requested stores.
2020-08-20 18:23:58 inf New event (Pool size is 2): token_ko{when:2020-08-20 18:23:58.917657 +0100 BST m=+84.662483001 what:'Invalid token authentication.'}.
2020-08-20 18:23:58 war 'POST /api/stores' > [403] Forbidden

Time to give up. Seems like a good tool if you can get it to work but I just want something secure that works without lots of mysterious errors. I am going to revert back to something a whole lot simpler and build my own solution. Thank you however for the effort you have put in to this, and I am sure it is really awesome. I am not requesting a response but sharing this experience for your benefit.

wpa-2 commented

@steowens "Whats the revert back to something a whole lot simpler" solution, having a few issues with this my self now.

with all due respect @steowens but the error clearly stated that the PEM files were not valid, if the hardware you're using failed to generate them correctly because "PI os is missing a dependency" what exactly do you expect the tool to do? :D it'd be useful to know what "pi os" you are using and what's the generation issue you're referring to exactly :D I just installed less than a week ago a new instance of arc on a raspberry and it works out of the box. Anyways, thanks for the feedback.

wpa-2 commented

I managed to get mine sorted, I did a fresh install and is working great now apart from the SSL issue but that's no big deal for me.
~Great to see you back @evilsocket

yo @wpa-3! the ssl issue you mean the self signed certificate warning?

wpa-2 commented

Yes that's it, I just couldn't work out how to get it all working with brave my fault though I'm guessing./

doesn't it work like chrome? i just tried and at least on macos the page is the same