
First start takes too long and never ends

dbx0 opened this issue · 3 comments

dbx0 commented

I am having issues on booting my pwnagotchi while following the website steps. After writing the image on the SD Card and adding the config.toml file, it never starts.

I have left the device conected to my computer for over 8 hours and it didn't show anything on screen nor connected to my computer. What can be done in this situation? I'm running it on a Raspberry PI Zero W, with Waveshare 2.13 (white, black, red).

My config.toml file is like this:

main.name = "pwnagotchi"
main.lang = "en"
main.whitelist = [

main.plugins.grid.enabled = true
main.plugins.grid.report = true
main.plugins.grid.exclude = [

ui.display.enabled = true
ui.display.type = "waveshare213d"
ui.display.color = "black"

Is this an recurring issue or am I missing something?

dbx0 commented

Fixed by using the 1.5.5fix

psiyco commented

i also have this if i dont ssh and confirm fingerprint it will never load ... you cheacked your ssh fingerprint ? try to delete tham and confirm the new ones

I'm having the same issue.
Flashed SD card multiple times to far. Even left the RPi powered via the power-only USB-port overnight to it definitely got enough time to setup and generate SSH keys.
Connecting to my Windows systems only shows a COM port, no network port.