
Moodle plugin for Wooclap (https://www.wooclap.com/).

Primary LanguagePHP

Code Linter

Linting is done using PHP Code Sniffer (phpcs) with a specific moodle standard.

Somes links:

Steps to get linter working on Sublime Text on Windows

  • Install Composer (PHP dependency manager) here : https://getcomposer.org/ (can be installed locally or globally)
  • In this folder, run composer install (this uses the composer.json file to install PHP Code Sniffer at the correct version)
  • Extract the content of vendor_patch.zip in the newly created vendor\squizlabs\php_codesniffer\CodeSniffer\Standards
  • Using Sublime Package Control, install SublimeLinter and SublimeLinter-phpcs

Code formatter

Code formatting is done using phpfmt in Sublime Text.

    "indent_with_space": 4,
    "version": 1