
Driver stopped working in 0.32.10

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Please do an update related to metabase/metabase@e710025#diff-d77ef6d7d60b04c2447263a86bfaeabf

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the info! Is there documentation somewhere on how exactly the date functions have to look now?

I'm not sure about it. I only needs a quick fix for my production machine, so I use H2 diver as a reference. I changed line 166 to:

(defmethod driver/date-add :firebird [driver dt amount unit]
(if (= unit :quarter)
(recur driver dt (hx/* amount 3) :month)
(hsql/call :dateadd (hsql/raw (name unit)) amount (hx/cast :timestamp (hx/literal :now)))))

Thanks! I will look into it when I'm back at the office.

Please try the latest release, the driver should be working with the current version of Metabase.