
GitHub Enterprise

iptizer opened this issue · 12 comments

Does github-actions-runner-operator support "GitHub Enterprise"?

I can't find configuration options to set the API URL, niether on CR level, nor in the Helm chart. So presumeably this is not supported?

As in github-enterprise server ? Not atm, but this should be possible quite easily. I however do not have a test-environment. I could create a branch which you can test?

Actually, try this:

  value: https://api.yourinstance.com
  value: https://api.yourinstance.com

and it should be picked up.

if it works I can fix the chart to support it ootb.

Did that work @iptizer ?

@iptizer would love any feedback, positive or negative, or even a "I don't have time" - just to be able to navigate these waters.

@davidkarlsen Thanks for your quick feedback! I will try out these variables in my next time slice dedicated to GitHub actions. Give me a week or so :). Sorry it is currently only a side project of mine.

Just wanted to let you know => Still on it.

Just GHA in Enterprise Server is still in development and currently the endpoints are not even available. I'll let you know as soon as those are available.

Thanks for the feedback - was just about to ping you. Are you on the latest release? Can you tell which endpoints are/are not available?

Just tested this on a GitHub Enterprise. Here's what I found:

  • Changing the GitHub API URL for the operator is possible via the env (so long as you use the correct env variable names as seen in the code
  value: https://api.yourinstance.com
  value: https://api.yourinstance.com
  • When the containers for the pods are being created the runner fails with the following error:
Http response code: NotFound from 'POST https://api.github.com/actions/runner-registration'
{"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest"}
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 ().

Note: I set the same env variables on the runner container and operator. I don't know if the runner uses the same package (or anything of what it uses under the hood) but decided to test it just in case.

Needless to say https://api.github.com is not the api url I had configured in the env. I suspect this may be the issue though I haven't investigated at length. I'll try and get back to it next week if I have the time.

Great - that's what I expected.
Then I can make this more configurable through the helm-chart.

As for the runners that's an issue that should be registered for https://github.com/evryfs/github-actions-runner

Contribute to evryfs/github-actions-runner development by creating an account on GitHub.

Thanks. I'll open an issue on that repo then.

Have a good day!

thanks for reporting!

evryfs/github-actions-runner#45 and evryfs/helm-charts#50 should make this possible in an easy way.