
Runners not starting

somatczk opened this issue · 10 comments

So I followed the manual, and instructions for the setup, I want to use runners for repo, on enterprise, and when runner pods are starting, every time it gets stuck in Waiting: ContainerCreating status. The logs are the following from the controller:
INFO controllers.GithubActionRunner Reconciling GithubActionRunner {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool"} INFO controllers.GithubActionRunner Scaling up {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool", "numInstances": 1} INFO controllers.GithubActionRunner Creating a new Pod {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool", "Pod.Namespace": "github-actions-runner-operator", "Pod.Name": "runner-pool-pod-vp5fk", "result": "created"} DEBUG controller-runtime.manager.events Normal {"object": {"kind":"GithubActionRunner","namespace":"github-actions-runner-operator","name":"runner-pool","uid":"976fafbb-ef42-4763-829a-78f44c022a53","apiVersion":"garo.tietoevry.com/v1alpha1","resourceVersion":"79945520"}, "reason": "Scaling", "message": "Created pod github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk"} INFO controllers.GithubActionRunner Reconciling GithubActionRunner {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool"} INFO controllers.GithubActionRunner Pods and runner API not in sync, returning early {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool"}
After this, the last two msg's repeating every half minutes or so.

Found this also:

4m11s Warning FailedMount pod/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "settings-xml" : configmap "settings-xml" not found

28m Warning FailedMount pod/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[settings-xml], unattached volumes=[default-token-6wrzm docker-storage docker-certs runner-diag runner-work mvn-repo settings-xml]: timed out waiting for the condition

19m Warning FailedMount pod/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[settings-xml], unattached volumes=[settings-xml default-token-6wrzm docker-storage docker-certs runner-diag runner-work mvn-repo]: timed out waiting for the condition

49m Warning FailedMount pod/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[settings-xml], unattached volumes=[docker-certs runner-diag runner-work mvn-repo settings-xml default-token-6wrzm docker-storage]: timed out waiting for the condition

8m27s Warning FailedMount pod/runner-pool-pod-vp5fk Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[settings-xml], unattached volumes=[runner-work mvn-repo settings-xml default-token-6wrzm docker-storage docker-certs runner-diag]: timed out waiting for the condition

Drop the settings.xml config if you don’t need it for maven.

Dropped it, now the following error appeared.
# Authentication Http response code: NotFound from 'POST https://api.github.com/actions/runner-registration' {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://docs.github.com/rest"} Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).

I want to use it on enterprise, where can i change out the api.github.com, is it what can cause the problem?

see https://github.com/evryfs/helm-charts/blob/master/charts/github-actions-runner-operator/values.yaml#L68

OpenSourced Helm charts. Contribute to evryfs/helm-charts development by creating an account on GitHub.

I already changed that

I already changed that

Please double check. The env vars should be defined and the library should pick it up. They are named GITHUB_*

Double checked, the vars are applied on install, but the pod logs
controllers.GithubActionRunner Pods and runner API not in sync, returning early {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool"} controllers.GithubActionRunner Reconciling GithubActionRunner {"githubactionrunner": "github-actions-runner-operator/runner-pool"}

If the 404 is gone it means it can now correctly connect to the github api. Try deleting any stale runners from the admin-console of github, under your org -> settings -> actions -> general/runners

@somatczk does it work? Can this be closed?

Closing due to lack of activity.