
How do I get the custom resource to spawn pods?

brian-pickens opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm having trouble following the instructions to get this operator up and running. I've installed the helm-chart into my cluster. I also modified the example GithubActionRunner resource to my specs and tried applying it. I can see the resource exists in my cluster but no pods are being spun up. I'm not sure what what I'm missing. The instructions aren't too clear on what I need to do to get this up and running.

I'm also unclear what the connection is between the helm chart and the custom resource. Could you please elaborate on that?

the helm-chart installs the operator.
do kubectl describe gar <theresource> to get more info.
look in the operator logs for more clues.

@brian-pickens any special parts of the docs that need to be fixed? Do you want to do a PR?

I found it helpful to kubectl get po -n github-actions-runner-operator then watch the logs from the operator pod:

kubectl logs pod/github-actions-runner-operator-57666ff865-ft88z -n github-actions-runner-operator -f

Mostly issues with an underprivileged GitHub token or mismatch between CRD name and generated token name after messing with the provided example

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen with additional info.