
Docker credentials

sr-apotapov opened this issue · 4 comments

Not sure if that's qualifies as an issue...
The question is pretty simple - is there an easy way to provide credentials for runner for pulling images from the docker hub and private registries?
It's pretty huge deal, especially for organizations.

yes, just define them under spec.podTemplateSpec.spec.containers as in a usual pod.

Feel free to reopen if any further clarification is needed.

Hey, thanks for quick response.
Probably I'm bad at explanation. By pulling I meant not the images for the runner\metric\dind containers, but pulling by the runner itself.
In our github actions workflows we're using a lot of containers for the workflow itself (for example ghcr.io/github/super-linter:v3.17.1 for CI).
And I was wondering how to pull all of those images from the private registries?

You then need to do a docker login to define the credentials.