
Job-Prioritisation with multiple parallel workflow-runs

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,
we have a Workflow with multiple jobs in it. They depend on each other (with needs). This workflow has its own GithubActionRunner config, so that the jobs can run on a limited number of dedicated worker-pods.

When I start multiple runs of the workflow, I assumed that the pending jobs from all of these workflows are sorted in a way, that jobs from a workflow-run which has jobs which are started or finished, are prioritised higher than jobs from a workflow-run with no completed or started jobs.

But that's not the case. Many workflows are hanging for a long time now, until all jobs are done.
Can this behaviour be configured?


that's not a property of the operator, but rather how scheduling/dispatching is done within github.

Maybe this discussion can help anyone who visits this issue: https://github.community/t/problems-with-runner-scheduler-priority/158803