
A runner exists with the same name

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, we've been using this operator for a while now and it usually works great but sometimes the operator gets stuck.

In this case we get the error:

A runner exists with the same name

I'm not sure how it gets into this state, but it seems that when runners are idle for a while the operator seems to try and restart them, and isn't aware that the id is already registered.

Is there a way to mitigate this issue? Could the operator just remove the duplicate runner in this case?

@mattkim which version of the runner image do you use? Where do you see this message?
Maybe it was fixed by evryfs/github-actions-runner@8bb89e3 ?

We are running v0.9.3, I'll try updating to the latest version and see if that helps, thanks!

Closing due to lack of feedback.