
[Help] `orderId` does not exist

Ehgod opened this issue · 7 comments

Ehgod commented

hi thanks for your package
when try to create request
show this error
Method Evryn\LaravelToman\PendingRequest::orderId does not exist.

Hi @Ehsan-ej :)
This method is only available for IDPay gateway. If you're using Zarinpal, you don't need it.

Ehgod commented


Ehgod commented

i can fix that tnx for helping
but in redirect
i have this error
im using laravel with vu
in comtrrole use requesy->pay
in fronted :
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://idpay.ir/p/ws-sandbox/**************. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null)

You need to send the redirection URL to the frontend and use JS to redirect the user to the payment gateway.
Since $request->pay() returns a RedirectResponse object, you can simply get the link using $request->pay()->getTargetUrl().

Ehgod commented


Ehgod commented

Is it possible to have a way to connect with each other?
i have some question and issue in use package
I'm a novice

I might be not available to give technical support about the package. However, you can use the discussions section as I check them periodically.