
doesn't work properly <witEnd> and <witStart> // miss <lg> CSS

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In the new version of EVT 2:

  • doesn't work properly [witEnd] and [witStart]: my witnesses with these tags repeat again and again some piece of text (but I had the same problem with the older version);

  • in main stylesheet [lg]'s CSS is missing (.lg{display:block;margin-bottom:5px}): there was in the older version of EVT 2.



Ho aggiunto alcuni screenshot e la trascrizione TEI.

Come si vede in bug_01.png, compare - dove non c'è nessun tag [witEnd] or [witStart] - lo strappo che indica il testimone frammentario; inoltre, subito dopo, sono ripetuti alcuni versi precedenti completamente a caso.

Un altro errore si può notare in bug_02.png: il testo del testimone dovrebbe interrompersi, ma EVT lo stampa comunque.

Invece il primo [witStart] del testimone funziona perfettamente (bug_03.png).

Questi errori ricorrono in tutti i testimoni. Aggiungo che nell'apparato critico le informazioni sulla fine e l'inizio dei testimoni vengono riportate correttamente (bug_04 mostra l'apparato critico del caso visto in bug_02.png).

I have added screenshots and TEI transcription.

As you can see in bug_01.png, there is a break of the page in EVT that doesn't have any [witEnd] or [witStart] in transcription. And also, EVT doesn't print correctly the text but repeats lines randomly.

An other error occurs in bug_02.png, where [witEnd] tag doesn't cut the text.

bug_03.png shows that [witStart] works perfectly.

These errors are in all manuscripts.

Anyway, it's strange that critical explanations are correct: see bug_04.png where the explanation describes TEI transcription perfectly (the portion of text is the same of bug_02.png), although the print in EVT doesn't appear currectly (as bug_02.png shows).

