
Deletion (<del>) is not rendered if the number (@n) of the line is added.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When using both <note> and <del> in lines of poetry, if we give the line an @n, the inline note marker appears but the deletion is not rendered in EVT. If we remove the @n from <l>, the <del> is rendered but the note marker disappears and the <note> text appears inline.

This is a sample TEI encoding:

<l n="7">To hear<note>blah blah</note> the wild wind <del>rushing</del> by</l>
<l>With<note>yadda yadda</note> never <del>ending</del> roar;</l>

and in the attached image you can see how EVT 2 beta2 renders it:


Adding the sample files included in the original mail by Justin Tonra (2021-01-22).

EVT del query.zip

In reality the problem is reversed: in lines without @n attribute, for some reason nested children are not correctly parsed and rendered; when adding the @n attribute nested children are instead correctly parsed (that's why the notes works properly), but some elements are not rendered as expected.

If you analyze the HTML you'll see that both <note> and <del> are not correctly transformed into <span>s. del seems to be correctly rendered because this is the browser's default rendering for the html element <del>.

In the line with @n the xml element is almost correctly transformed: there is just a problem with the class name: it is all uppercase thus it does not follows the rules defined for the element with class .del (all smallcase). We should fix also this problem.

Anyway if you want, you can add your own style rule like:

.DEL {
   text-decoration: line-through;

More over, even for .del elements, in critical edition there is a rule which remove this particular layout.