
apparatus entry with <del>, <add>, <subst>

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When the apparatus contains the elements <del> and <add>, their content is not showed correctly in EVT 2 apparatus. For examples, given the apparatus

                        <lem wit="#R #K #Y #T #Q #I #O #S #E #N #H #M #L #P #D">et</lem>
                        <rdg wit="#A">
                        <lem wit="#R #K #Y #T #Q #I #O #S #N #H #A #L #D #E #M"/>
                        <rdg wit="#P">

EVT 2 shows what can be seen in the attached screen: the reader cannot understand that A has added et, nor that P has written autem and then deleted it. Moreover, it is not correct to say that the other manuscripts have omitted something: their reading is the correct one.
What I would like to obtain in the apparatus, is the following:
a) when cliking on b], "et post add. A", or on c] "autem post del. P", without reference to the omission of the other codex
b) another possibility would be to connect the text to what preceds in the following way:
rubori ] et post add. A
accessiones ] autem post del. P

The same issue occurs when <del> and <add> are inside the element <subst>, as in the following case, again visible in the screen attached:

totum corpus<app>
                        <lem wit="#R #Y #I #S #N #M #A #L #P #D">pertinet rubori</lem>
                        <rdg wit="#E">pertinet ruboris</rdg>
                        <rdg wit="#O"><subst>
                                <del>pertinet ruboris</del>
                                <add>pertinet rubori</add>
                        <rdg wit="#Q #T">pertinent rubori</rdg>
                        <rdg wit="#K">rubori pertinet</rdg>

In this case, what I would like to obtain would be:

pertinet rubori ] pertinet ruboris in pertinet rubori corr. O

Many thanks for you help!
Anna Gili