
Separate <listWit>s merged when using XInclude for multiple critical editions

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Hi, I’m creating a corpus of critical editions and I decided to use XInclude in order to show all the texts in a single EVT edition. Each text of my corpus has been transmitted by different manuscripts and I’ve declared them in a dedicated listWit.

However, XInclude does not recognise the different manuscript groups, so all witnesses appear in the tradition of all texts, like in the following example:


The text has been transmitted my mss B and D, whereas the others belong to the tradition of another text of the corpus.

At the moment, a partial solution to the overlapping of manuscript traditions is to specify the @wit in the lem element: this way, in the apparatus of the critical edition you won’t find the readings of mss that are not part of the tradition of a given text:


However, in the collation mode XInclude still shows all witnesses:


And if I open one of the witnesses available which is not part of my apparatus, it shows the reading of the main ms, (i. e. of B in this case):
