
Quotation handling

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Request by: Marjorie Burghart
Reference: 2017-11-03 mail to evt.developers

In my edition the quotations (quote) are wrapped in a cit, together with the indication of their source given by the editor (bibl). By default, the quote itself is recognized as a quote alright, but the content of bibl is displayed in the critical text just after the quote, while it should display as a sort of note, or maybe in the div that opens when you click on the quote, together with the text of the quote.


The problem you encountered depends on the internal mechanisms of the XML parsers I wrote. Basically, the parser depends on the configuration variable quoteDef, that by default is set to the TEI element.

    Line 144 of your config.json file: "quoteDef": "quote"

When the parser finds the <quote> element, it then looks for a bibliographic reference element inside of it, in order not to risk to associate the <quote> element to a bibliographic element that is not actually linked to it. I don't know if I made myself clear enough, anyway there are three ways to fix this problem:

  • deleting the <cit> element and moving the <bibl> inside of <quote>: a little less elegant, but it will work the way you expected to;
  • adding inside the <quote> element a pointer to the the <bibl> element or a @source attribute on the <quote> element: again not so elegant because it would seem redundant, but it would work;
  • changing the configuration variable quoteDef to <cit>: with this last solution one would risk to leave out all the other <quote> elements.

For the moment quoteDef doesn't accept more than one value like analogueDef does. So it is a bit strict. But I'm planning to change quoteDef soon, so that it will be able to accept more TEI elements definitions.