
Edgar, Howard and Ferry's Android VIM Suite

Primary LanguageVim Script


Process to create gtags in Android

$ find . \( ! -path "./out*" -a ! -name ".git*" \) -a \( -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" -o -name "*.aidl" -o -name "*.java" -o -name "*.S" \) > somefile
~$ gtags -f somefile

Bookmark Usage

After installation you can directly start using it. You can do this by either using the default shortcuts or the commands:

Action Shortcut Command
Add/remove bookmark at current line mm :BookmarkToggle
Add/edit/remove annotation at current line mi :BookmarkAnnotate <TEXT>
Jump to next bookmark in buffer mn :BookmarkNext
Jump to previous bookmark in buffer mp :BookmarkPrev
Show all bookmarks (toggle) ma :BookmarkShowAll
Clear bookmarks in current buffer only mc :BookmarkClear
Clear bookmarks in all buffers mx :BookmarkClearAll
Move up bookmark at current line mkk :BookmarkMoveUp
Move down bookmark at current line mjj :BookmarkMoveDown
Save all bookmarks to a file :BookmarkSave <FILE_PATH>
Load bookmarks from a file :BookmarkLoad <FILE_PATH>

-- Edgar, Howard and Ferry's Android VIM Suite