
Easier way to define option and command groups

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I think the option and command group API is a little clunky and could be easier to use.

The API was designed with the global config in mind. Since version 1.7, however, the global config is no longer the only way to define config; the API has moved closer to the definition of commands.

Brain Dump

I don't know the best way to proceed here, but here's one idea:

import rich_click as click

@click.option("--option1", option_group_name="foo")
@click.option("--option2", option_group_name="foo")
            "name": "foo",
            "table_styles": {
                "show_lines": False
            "name": "bar",
            "options": ["--option3"]
            "table_styles": {
                "border_style": "red"
def cli(option1, option2):

@click.option("--option1", option_group_name="foo")
def subcommand(option1, option2, option3):


In the above example, a few things are happening of note:

  • option_groups is not a Dict[str, List[OptionGroupDict]], it is a List[OptionGroupDict].
  • The option group assignment is defined in the options, not in the OptionGroupDict. However the table_Styles are still applied.
  • I think the OptionGroupDict should be entirely optional; if left undefined, the grouping should still occur.
  • The subcommand presents an interesting case when passing context. Here are the most intuitive behaviors to me:
    • option1 should be assigned to foo and should retain the table styles, since the table styles were defined in the parent context.
    • option2 should be ungrouped.
    • option3 in the subcommand should still be grouped with bar and should retain the table styles, since it was listed in "options": ["--option3"].
  • What about if you define a Dict[str, List[OptionGroupDict]] instead of a List? Should there still be a way to pass config to subcommands? Perhaps a wildcard such as * should be allowed that will apply to all subcommands.
    • And hey, should defining option_groups as a list be disallowed entirely, or should that be supported? We can do an if isinstance(option_groups, list): option_groups = {"*": option_groups} to transform it into a dict with all the behaviors we expect based on the above proposals. But perhaps the user should do that themselves.
  • Is option_group_name=... too verbose? Should it just be option_group=...?
    • I'm worried about naming for command_groups, since a "Group" is already a concept in Click. I don't know that there will be an easy way to avoid some mild confusion in this context.

Like I said, I'm not sure what should happen here. Open to ideas!

Lastly, all of this behavior can get quite complex and would benefit a ton from being properly documented, so I wonder if documentation should be considered a hard prerequisite for this feature. 😅