
How to enable Contributors and About pages?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

fgnm commented

I was looking a way to add extra pages such as PELLA collection (http://numismatics.org/pella/pages/about) but can't find a way to enable them both in Numishare UI nor in exist db. I've seen the contributors.xpl page but in Settings -> Page Content and Navigation there isn't any option for them.


Hi, I had a similar question in the past.
The following answer solved it for me:


fgnm commented

@Msch0150 thanks a lot! I miss it because I was looking specifically for the contributors page. So, half issue is solved :)

ewg118 commented

The contributors page only works for type corpora, not physical specimens. The contributors page is generated by a SPARQL query for all of the datasets that contribute specimens to the type series, so all of these datasets need to be imported into the SPARQL endpoint (usually nomisma.org, but you can set a different endpoint URL in the Numishare config) and all of the Nomisma.org collection RDF need to be incorporated into that endpoint as well.

fgnm commented

Thanks both, I got everything working :)