
Docker installation 404 errors

Opened this issue · 2 comments

After using the docker compose scripts and creating a new collection in orbeon, I am seeing HTTP 404 errors when attempting to view the newly created collection at http://localhost:8081/orbeon/numishare/my-collection/. Are there additional steps that need to be followed before or after using docker compose to be able to get the software in a working state? I manually created a user and password in tomcat for authentication but it is unclear in the wiki whether additional steps are needed for the docker installation. Using docker 24.0.7 on Ubuntu 22.04.

Any help is appreciated.

The Docker installation isn't something I have experience with, but was contributed by @Msch0150

Hi, the docker here was contributed by @neon-ninja, not by me. Maybe he knows the issue.
I remember that I had some issues as well. I think on my side it was something with the used images. Due to some personal specials I created a setup script to automated the installation.
You might want to try it.
I changed and updates files in the docker directory, only.
You can take a look to:


I think the easiest would be if you fork my numishare and change the file "setup.sh" in the docker directory for your needs.
In your case set


Then copy the whole content of setup.sh and paste it in your ubuntu terminal.
These are the resulting links:

Numishare: http://localhost:10200/orbeon/numishare/admin/
Solr : http://localhost:10202/
Exist DB : http://localhost:10204
Loris : http://localhost:10206/
Fuseki : http://localhost:10208/ (username:password displayed in console of Docker or in /fuseki/shiro.ini in section [users])
Apache : http://localhost

Some post installation tasks are noted in the readme inside the docker directory. It is not perfect, it just works for me. But if we can bring it into a more general shape, that might be nice.