
Panel corners black after toggling overview

ajbucci opened this issue · 3 comments

When toggling overview on gnome 40 the panel corners become black if hide corners is enabled, and become semi-transparent otherwise. I'm on arch using nvidia proprietary drivers on xorg. Not sure if any of that matters :) great extension btw!!

For hide corners enabled here is some gnome-shell.css that can remove the corner entirely:

#panel .panel-corner {
-panel-corner-radius: 0px;
-panel-corner-border-width: 0px;}

As for the more-opaque corner when hide corners is disabled, this is also fixed if you set -panel-corner-border-width to 0px. The gnome default theme uses a panel-corner-border-width value of 2px. This creates an overlap with the top bar that is more opaque. Here is the css to fix the bug currently occurring with hide corners disabled:

#panel .panel-corner {
-panel-corner-border-width: 0px;}

@ewlsh Hi Evan! Found your incredible extension today. And also found another extension that properly hides the corners on GNOME 40:


As you can see from their stylesheet, this is all that's needed:


const Main = imports.ui.main;
function init() {}
function enable() {
function disable() {


.no-radius.panel-corner { -panel-corner-radius: 0; }

That's literally it. Nothing else is needed. This fully removes the desktop's wallpaper rounding. But preserves it correctly in the Activities Overview mode. :-)

ewlsh commented

The latest version should support corners correctly in GNOME 41, I have to test the behavior in GNOME 40 for those still on that version.