
Executing vagrant provision first

miwoe opened this issue · 2 comments

miwoe commented


I had some issues starting this example.

1st was that my vagrant VM could not connect to internet and that the trust needs an update before installation of docker was a success. (Always ended up with "Docker installation failed".

So, I have added following lines in the Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
      vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "sudo apt-get update"

2nd was that it seems to be necessary to run
vagrant provision
vagrant up

Therefore, it should be added to the ReadMe.txt. Took me some time to understand what is failing. On the other hand, I have learned something more about vagrant docker integration. :)

Thanks for reporting the issue. For #10 I just tried the Vagrant setup and it did work for me. Can you make sure that the following conditions are met:

  • Latest version of this project
  • Latest version of Vagrant (I used 1.8.5)
  • Latests ubuntu/trusty64 (I used virtualbox, 20160926.0.1). You can find them with vagrant box listand update it with vagrant box update

This issue doesn't really seem like a problem of this project, but rather of Vagrant. In fact there are issues that seem very similar like hashicorp/vagrant#5697 .

miwoe commented

Everything up-to-date:

~/git/microservice/docker-vagrant:$ vagrant -v
Vagrant 1.8.6
~/git/microservice/docker-vagrant:$ vagrant box list
ubuntu/trusty64 (virtualbox, 20160926.0.1)

As mentioned in the referenced issue, doing "sudo apt-get update" before docker setup did it also for me.