
Problem with current version of required libraries while execution of files

mustafa-tola opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello My dear fellows. I am trying to execute the MVSFormer test file in this project but the problem is that some libraries required versions are not currently available like torch,torchvision. Because of this version not found issue, timm library is producing errors because it is using features of older torch and torchvisio libraries. Here are my enviroment versions: -

pip: - 23.1.2
python: - 3.10.12
cuda: - 11.8
timm: - 0.3.2
torch: - 1.11.0
torchvision: - 0.12.0

Kindly help me with this issue Thanks in advance

the version of timm is 0.3.0, can you provide details about the errors about timm library?

Same problems,

requirments.txt is
Python - 3.9
Cuda - 11.3
Timm - 0.3.2
torch - 1.9.0
torchvision - 1.10.0

I successfully installed, but this error Occured.


You may change from torch._six import container_abcs to from collections import abc as container_abcs in your code "helpers.py"

Thank you so much, I solve this error currently