Puppi archive project not being installed
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I've created the following manifest, called test.pp:
include epel
include puppi
Class['epel'] -> Class['puppi']
puppi::project::archive { 'jira':
source => 'http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/downloads/binary/atlassian-jira-6.1.5.tar.gz',
deploy_root => '/opt',
auto_deploy => true,
When I run puppet apply test.pp
, Puppet runs, installs puppi and its dependencies, creates the project, but does not actually install anything to /opt. If I run puppi
, I can see the "jira" project listed under "Available deploy projects" and, if I run puppi deploy jira
, the project is deployed to /opt. I can't seem to get the project to deploy through Puppet, though. What am I doing wrong?