
new option: view log files

excalibur1234 opened this issue · 1 comments

how about a new option in pacui: "view log files"?

although this is usually not helpful for package management, it could help to identify problems on a user's system.

these are some log files, which could be implemented:

  • /var/log/pacman.log (already mostly implemented in the "roll-back" option!)
  • output of "journalctl -x" (see wiki for explanation)
  • output of "journalctl -k" (shows kernel log)
  • output of "journalctl --follow --full" (shows live log)
  • output of "journalctl -b -0" (current boot log)
  • output of "journalctl -b -0" (last boot log)
  • /var/log/Xorg.*
  • dmesg -l err
  • dmesg | grep sd > get info on sata drives
  • dmesg | grep usb > get info on usb devices
  • dmesg | grep eth > get Ethernet card device
  • dmesg | grep bluetooth I think you get the idea.
  • systemctl list-units --all
  • systemctl list-unit-files
  • systemctl list-timers --all
  • systemctl status (added to help page in 27b1422)
  • systemctl --failed (completed in 27b1422)
  • sudo smartctl -i -A -H $(df -k / | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}')
  • sudo smartctl -i -A -H $(df -k /home | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}')

please suggest more log files, which you think are important and useful.

Would it be possible to buffer all the stdin, stdout and stderr during updates/installation and viewing them inside the pacui after the task finishes? I don't use scrollbuffer cause I usually never need one, but this is the only time when I might.
Also when I did use scrollbuffers with urxvt, it didn't behaved quite right and I saw few lines multiple times when I shouldn't. I could end up recompiling AUR package again when it fails cause I couldn't see all the warnings and errors :( (maybe I am using completely wrong approach).

Or maybe simpler way to show only pacman.log from last update (which I don't know how would you get the date from the latest update) and pipe it to less.

I am against smartctl, because not all users have smartmontools installed and + those 2 commands mentioned fails on my system probably due luks full disk encryption. Would be difficult to create general working solution I guess.

/dev/mapper/luks-976e0f96-a9cc-4a02-87cd-131c25b434a3: Unable to detect device type
Please specify device type with the -d option.

Forgive me I have very simplistic and limited knowledge.

Have a nice day.