
No warning shown when using an external tsx tileset

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Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a map with an external (tsx) tileset. Make sure not to embed the tileset into the map.
  • Export the map to one of the supported JSON formats.
  • Load and display the map in Excalibur using the normal instructions.

Expected Result

Excalibur-tiled should throw or return an error about external tsx tilemaps being unsupported at this moment.

Actual Result

The game loads, but the map isn't displayed and no errors or warnings are outputted.


  • browsers and versions: N/A
  • operating system: N/A (but I can test on Linux and MacOS)
  • Excalibur versions: Excalibur master branch; Excalibur-tiled 2.3.1

Current Workaround

N/A; this issue is more about improving feedback to the user.