
Application and route helpers stopped working after upgrading to version 1.2.7

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey folks!

I'm running a Rails 6 app with madmin. I upgraded madmin from version 1.2.0 to version 1.2.7 since I wanted to add the search form to my madmin index pages.

After the upgrade, however, the resource-specific madmin pages that I had created started breaking because apparently the route and application helpers don't seem to be loaded.

In my views/madmin/lessons/index.html.erb file, for instance, I have this line

<%= link_to madmin_lesson_path(lesson), class: 'w-full' do %>

That is throwing this error

undefined local variable or method `madmin_lessons_path' for #<Class:0x000000012273dc00>:0x0000000122737e18>

If I add the route helpers to the madmin Lessons controller

module Madmin
  class LessonsController < Madmin::ResourceController
    include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

Then that error goes away. However, things break again when an application helper is encountered

<%= formatted_duration(lesson.duration) %>

Which generates this error

undefined method `formatted_duration' for #<#<Class:0x00000001227d4c68>:0x00000001227ce660>

This time, however, adding include ApplicationHelper doesn't seem to do the trick.

Any idea of why this might be happening?

you should use main_app.madmin_lesson_path(lesson)

Fair! Thanks 🙏