
Can anybody else lead team meetings?

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As folks have probably noticed, we haven't had a team meeting in a few months. Between moving to France and things ramping up more with my job @ 2i2c, I don't have time to manage and oversee the team meetings for this project anymore.

Is anybody interested in coordinating and leading the team meetings for the EBP? I believe that @rowanc1 mentioned he might be interested in this so pinging him for visibility.

Yes, I would be up for helping out here and getting back into these in September.

Does the previous time work at least for the first one back?

@choldgraf do you have access to the calendar to update the descriptions at least?

@rowanc1 many thanks! I've just shared the calendar maintainer permissions with you (both your gmail and curvenote address), feel free to share with others as well!

mmcky commented

thanks @rowanc1

My schedule will allow me to kick in again from September also. @rowanc1 do you think we should adopt a dual timezone month-on-month-off meeting to capture Canada/Europe and Canada/Australia pairs. If so, it would seem to make sense to pivot around Canada/US?

Heya, if I'm reading correctly, then the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 31st 2300 CEST. I maybe won't be able to attend this, since I'll be going to https://www.euroscipy.org/2022/social_event.html, until 2030. I guess it depends what happens after ๐Ÿ˜„

@chrisjsewell I'll actually be there as well (for one night, arriving Wed and leaving Thurs), see you there!

@chrisjsewell I'll actually be there as well (for one night, arriving Wed and leaving Thurs), see you there!

Indeed, I was thinking you might be ๐Ÿ˜„ yep same for me, just wed & thur ๐Ÿ‘
Was thinking to give a lightening talk on jupyter-book actually, maybe do a bit of improvements of https://executablebooks.org/en/latest/gallery.html before (to make things a bit more searchable) and advertise people adding their projects to it

I have updated the meeting notes, tested out the links, and updated the calendar invite! I put an agenda on to talk about some of the updates in the JS ecosystem that touch on docs, latex, etc.

Notes will be here:

Looking forward to seeing anyone who can make it!

Thanks for everyone who came today! Had a good discussion on a wide variety of things.

  • I showed some updates on mystjs side (slides, twitter thread)
  • Top challenge: Getting JupyterBook to the next version of the myst-parser, and upgrading sphinx-jupyterbook-latex to be compatible with recent changes.
  • Upcoming: more convo on the myst-spec implementation, and how that fits in with JupyterBook updates

Had fun showing off some new features of cross-referencing in mystjs for the docs on the myst-spec (cc @tonyfast):

@choldgraf is best practice to get the cleaned up meeting notes into this repository and published?

mmcky commented

Thanks @rowanc1 for hosting. It was super fun to catch up with everyone and to see the massive progress made on mystjs.

Closing this issue, I am happy to help out facilitating these meetings for the foreseeable future! Looking forward to the meeting this month: #831