
Blending mode set as screen shown as black during transition

Closed this issue · 1 comments

sWoRm commented

Hello :),
First I must thank you for that wonderful and very handy plugin. 🤗
It is awesome what you have done.
Not only with this one, I almost use all your plugins.

The Blending mode set as screen shown as black during transition
I've been trying so many ways to fix it until I guess I found the cause or at least the way to reproduce it.

  1. create a scene. let's name it: Main
  2. create another scene. let's name it: Profile
  3. add a media source or a vlc source with a video with a black background and like this one: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/653738/217887983-1d7a8262-b8f4-4149-afca-223a4a07f770.mp4
  4. set the source of step 3 with Blending Mode to screen
    I just add another background to show you that blending mode seem to work on the scene.
  5. add the scene named Profile to Downstream Keyer
  6. add transition to Show and Hide with fade of 3000ms
  7. go to scene named Main and let's show the Profile on Downstream Keyer click on the label Profile
    A black background is shown during the transitions:
    On Show:
    On Hide:

If I remove the transitions then it is not shown.
I've tried also to use the chroma key with black. and then it works but seems to be heavier to compute.

I'm not sure about that, but it seems like the transition of DSK is not taking the blending mode in consideration?
Am I using it the wrong way?
Any help is welcome.
Thanks in advance for you help,

sWoRm commented

I've found out that OBS does this behavior on fade transition also... (https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/brief-black-screen-when-transitioning-to-local-media-source.62608/)
Then this plugins is not the cause.

To avoid this behaviors, I have set the Blending mode to Normal and added a filter color key set to black

I close the issue.