
Obs crashing when closing after installing move transition...

LaykaKiro opened this issue · 11 comments

Seems this is a thing now and it's quite annoying... Do I need to provide the log? Because if so, I literally can't because I A: Don't know where logs go and B: Haven't seen any message showing that a log was even made.

Crash reports and log files can be found in the obs help menu

Crash 2023-12-04 20-18-17.txt
This is my most recent crash log. Thank you for telling me where it was! And I hope this helps, I'm on 30.0.0.

I have a "crash" every time I close OBS too, and it appears to be coming from Move Transition somehow. https://obsproject.com/logs/658NAwllEa7VZv3G (I am also on 30.0.0)

Hopefully something's being looked into. I take it something in 30.0.0 broke Move Transition. If you want to make changes to your layout without it reverting, boot in safe mode, line things up and close it. The crash only happens with Move so that could also just be uninstalled instead.

I found an issue and made a fix. A test build can be found on the bottom of this page:

Tested a few minutes ago, switched scenes a few times (not streaming) and then closed the program - it froze...

@naga1209ww the crash log you provided is on old one and is the same as the crash report you provided before

HOWEVER - then I reopened OBS to snag that crash report for you, had it open for a few minutes and then closed (really didn't do anything in the program) and it did NOT crash on exit! SO maybe it is not happening now?
That's really weird about the log though, I just clicked "upload previous crash report" right after it had hard frozen on screen a few minutes before, I don't know why it wouldn't count THAT freeze as the "previous crash". Sorry.

new test version fixing the latest crash reported by @naga1209ww :

After previous fix crash was intermittent. After current fix I have opened, switched scenes, used Audio Move function, recorded, and closed repeatedly and have had no crashes as yet. Thank you SO MUCH for your attention to this issue and incredibly fast response!