
Add concatenated replay buffer

sschoeb opened this issue · 0 comments

It would be great to have an option to add up replays to a concatenated replay buffer.

Sample flow while streaming

  1. Catch & Play replay
  2. Hit "Add to concatenated replays"
  3. Catch & Play replay
  4. Catch & Play replay
  5. Hit "Add to concatenated replays"
  6. Hit "Show concatenated replays"

When using the "Show concatenated replays"-shortcut, the replays of the steps 1 and 4 are shown ans one video.

What could that be useful for:
Creating highlight videos while streaming :)

Why include into the replay source:

  • This plugin has all the essentiels that could be helpful (e.g. replay speed)
  • As a streamer I do want to decide after a replay if it is worth to include it into the highlights

What is needed:

  1. Shortcut "Add current replay to concatenated replay buffer*
  2. Shortcut "Play concatenated replay buffer"
  3. Shortcut "Clear concatenated replay buffer"

Let me know if you need any further informarion on that or if there is already an option to do that somehow :)