
Wrong output in german-sysadmin introductions example?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I would expect the line 25 below to be # => [58, 41], since this is the output from [?:, ?)].

If this is truly a mistake, I would send a PR to address this.

Your expected output and the output currently in the doc is actually the same value:

iex()> [58, 41] == ':)'

Is is possible that you have configured your own iex to always print charlists as lists of integers ([58, 41])? As far as I know, it is still the default behavior in Elixir 1.14.2 to print charlists as charlists (':)')

Is is possible that you have configured your own iex to always print charlists as lists of integers ([58, 41])?

Oh right, I did configure IEx to always print charlists as lists of integers. Sorry for the noise!

I have the following line in my global IEx configuration file (~/.iex.exs):

IEx.configure(inspect: [ charlists: :as_lists ])

Thank you @angelikatyborska for the quick reply. I wish you a great day!