
Expanding test cases for Vehicle Purchase exercise in the Go track

jesse-kroon opened this issue · 1 comments

I was working on the Vehicle Purchase exercise in the Go track today, and in the description I noticed the following requirement:
"For a rough estimate, assume if the vehicle is less than 3 years old, it costs 80% of the original price it had when it was brand new."

However, when looking at the test cases, I found that there is no test case with an age of exactly 3. This means that the following check also works, while I expect it not to pass

if age < = 3 { // use 80% of original price }

While if age is exactly 3, it should adhere to the following requirement as stated in the description:
"If the vehicle is at least 3 years old but less than 10 years, it costs 70% of the original price."

I would suggest to add the following test case to vehicle_purchase_test.go

	name:          "price is reduced to 70% for age 3",
	originalPrice: 40000,
	age:           3,
	expected:      28000,

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