
Add all-your-base practice exercise

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This issue is to add a port to MIPS Assembly of the practice exercise all-your-base.

Note that in MIPS, function arguments are passed in 4 registers: $a0 $a1 $a2 $a3.

Therefore we shouldn't attempt to use 5 registers for arguments: inputBase, digitsAddress, digitsLength, outputBase, outputAddress.

Here are some options:
(A) Pass inputBase and outputBase in a single register (16 bits for each).
(B) Require the student to dynamically allocate the output array (using syscall 9), so outputAddress isn't passed in.
(C) Use negative digit values to terminate input/output arrays, so digitsLength isn't passed in. The "negative digit" test case is dropped.
(D) Using a single over-writable digit array for input and output.

My suggestion would be (D).

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