
[v3] Implement new Concept Exercise: basics

m-dango opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue describes how to implement the basics concept exercise for the Perl track.

Getting started

Please please please read the docs before starting. Posting PRs without reading these docs will be a lot more frustrating for you during the review cycle, and exhaust Exercism's maintainers' time. So, before diving into the implementation, please read up on the following documents:

Please also watch the following video:


This exercise should teach the bare minimum to help students understand Perl programs.

Learning objectives

  • Know of the strict / warnings pragmas.
  • Know how to declare a my scalar variable (my $var).
  • Know how to assign a variable.
  • Know how to declare a named subroutine.
  • Know how to return from a subroutine.
  • Know how to call a subroutine.
  • Know how to comment.

Out of scope

  • Package.
  • Export.
  • Version pragma.
  • Array/hash variables.
  • Other variable declarations (our/local).
  • Subroutine arguments/signatures (@_).


  • basics: know of the strict/warnings pragmas; know how to declare a my scalar variable; know how to assign a variable; know how to declare a named subroutine; know how to return from a subroutine; know how to call a subroutine; know how to comment.



Resources to refer to






If you have any questions while implementing the exercise, please post the questions as comments in this issue.

I've excluded subroutine arguments from basics as I think having an arrays/lists exercise should probably come before introducing e.g. my $self = shift / my ($self) = @_