Rust: Syllabus blocked
k0mpreni opened this issue · 1 comments
k0mpreni commented
Hello, I started the Rust 🦀 syllabus and did 5 of them:
- Functions
- Enum Basics
- Floating Point Numbers
- Integers
- vec! macro
However I'm now blocked and can't continue with other syllabus as they are all blocked.
The next one should be Structs with the exercice Health Statistics. To unlock the latest it require Assembly Line do be completed and I completed it already.
How can I deblock the situation to continue the syllabus?
Thanks! 😃
angelikatyborska commented
I will close this issue because it's a duplicate of exercism/rust#1357
Make sure to subscribe to exercism/rust#1357 if you want to get notified about updates!