
Typos: missing word in configlet description

wolf3d opened this issue · 4 comments

On https://exercism.org/docs/building/configlet ,
it seems that the configlet description lacks a word in the third paragraph

The tertiary function of configlet is to ____ various data for practice exercises.

Is the missing word "provide"?

The tertiary function of configlet is to provide various data for practice exercises.

Or maybe the missing word is "sync"
I could fix this

I assume it should be sync, but I suppose provide could work as well

kotp commented

"synchronize" is probably a better word, but "sync" seems to be available in my English dictionary, so I presume that it is in many translation dictionaries as well.

kotp commented

Although, it is true that it provides data, and that data is sometimes changed per the individual track needs. So perhaps synchronize is not as good as a name as "provide".