
Add Unison Icon for forthcoming Unison track

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Does the language have an official logo? Yes:

Here's an SVG link to our logo:

The copyright is "Unison Computing, all rights reserved" and we are giving permission for Exercism to use the logo on your site, for the purposes of identifying the Unison language track. If you need an official statement from our CEO to that effect, we can get one.

Does the language have an unofficial logo? No

We have a hex icon if that is of interest! The Unison mark can look a bit lopsided if you use the exact middle of the hex element. I've attached it as a SVG here!

Asset 1

iHiD commented

Thanks! I think we'll use the one @taiyab did so it's consistent with the others:

<svg width="96" height="96" viewBox="0 0 96 96" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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28.2938 29.9529C28.3069 29.9361 28.3203 29.9198 28.3338 29.9035C29.5413 28.3406 31.0414 27.0283 32.7499 26.0403C40.0076 21.8407 49.2888 24.3321 53.4822 31.6045V31.6068L53.4929 31.625C53.9363 32.3814 54.7414 32.8551 55.6168 32.8747H55.673C56.6672 32.8746 57.659 32.9724 58.6342 33.1667H58.6321ZM27.2187 49.3751C27.2294 49.3546 27.2415 49.3342 27.2536 49.3141C27.6841 48.5451 27.6829 47.6045 27.2503 46.8366C27.2378 46.8156 27.2261 46.7947 27.2145 46.7738C25.2199 43.2951 24.6822 39.1642 25.7199 35.2908C25.8677 34.7393 26.3713 34.3529 26.9422 34.3529C27.6364 34.3529 28.2077 34.9241 28.2077 35.6184C28.2077 35.729 28.1932 35.8391 28.1646 35.946C27.2997 39.1751 27.7489 42.619 29.4131 45.5183C29.4271 45.5415 29.4406 45.5652 29.4536 45.5894C30.3249 47.134 30.3233 49.0279 29.4494 50.5711C29.4332 50.6004 29.4164 50.6297 29.3978 50.658C28.5839 52.0843 28.0553 53.6554 27.8414 55.2835C26.9294 62.2121 31.8062 68.5656 38.7352 69.4779V69.4807C39.3616 69.5633 39.8351 70.103 39.8351 70.7349C39.8351 70.7901 39.8315 70.8453 39.8243 70.9001C39.7337 71.5872 39.0943 72.0789 38.4068 71.9894H38.4092C36.4321 71.7288 34.5256 71.0811 32.7991 70.0831C25.5427 65.8978 23.0511 56.632 27.2187 49.3751ZM29.4024 50.8701C29.435 50.8419 29.465 50.8121 29.4922 50.7811L29.4957 50.7769C29.4674 50.8094 29.4363 50.8406 29.4024 50.8701ZM44.3114 71.7209C43.6195 71.905 42.8975 71.4915 42.7118 70.8051C42.5262 70.1181 42.9431 69.4008 43.6354 69.2167C43.7409 69.1899 43.8492 69.1766 43.958 69.1766C44.6745 69.1766 45.2642 69.7618 45.2642 70.4729C45.2642 71.052 44.8734 71.5639 44.3118 71.7209H44.3114ZM55.7756 63.1937C54.8828 63.1937 54.0534 63.6645 53.5963 64.4301C53.5908 64.4407 53.5847 64.4513 53.5786 64.4616C53.0802 65.3235 52.4981 66.1341 51.8408 66.8822C52.0515 66.6418 52.052 66.6432 51.8408 66.8822C51.8278 66.8969 51.8147 66.9113 51.8012 66.9254C51.1541 67.656 50.4381 68.3229 49.663 68.9167C49.1113 69.3398 48.3085 69.2349 47.8847 68.6839C47.4611 68.1329 47.5663 67.3317 48.1178 66.9082C48.7769 66.4032 49.3847 65.8344 49.9324 65.2107C49.7292 65.4435 49.7287 65.4405 49.9324 65.2107C49.9483 65.1929 49.9641 65.1758 49.9791 65.1593C50.4984 64.5614 50.9603 63.9158 51.3589 63.2314C51.3663 63.2174 51.3742 63.204 51.3821 63.1899C52.2879 61.6272 53.9648 60.6617 55.7732 60.6617C57.4389 60.6617 59.0885 60.3339 60.6272 59.6973C67.0856 57.026 70.1604 49.6432 67.508 43.1887C67.5022 43.1766 67.4967 43.164 67.4916 43.1514C67.4309 43.001 67.3997 42.8404 67.3997 42.6783C67.3997 41.9835 67.9722 41.4118 68.6682 41.4118C69.175 41.4118 69.6351 41.7151 69.8346 42.1805C70.5996 44.0251 70.9932 46.0022 70.9932 47.9988C70.9932 56.3925 64.1789 63.1971 55.7728 63.1971L55.7756 63.1937ZM54.5461 38.0696C54.8812 38.0331 55.2175 38.013 55.555 38.0093C55.5896 38.0089 55.6241 38.0088 55.6587 38.0088C61.2221 38.0088 65.8002 42.5708 65.8002 48.1148C65.8002 53.6588 61.2221 58.2209 55.6587 58.2209C55.2878 58.2209 54.9171 58.2006 54.5485 58.1601C52.4665 58.0007 50.4893 59.1377 49.5862 61.0138C47.9716 64.68 44.3168 67.0587 40.2992 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31.5294 40.5433 31.5294C36.3995 31.5294 32.9897 34.9814 32.9897 39.1765C32.9897 39.1769 32.9897 39.1774 32.9897 39.1779C32.9908 43.3725 36.4004 46.8235 40.5437 46.8235C40.5443 46.8235 40.5449 46.8235 40.5455 46.8235Z" fill="#2D2F34"/>
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@ErikSchierboom will sort this and the AWK one on Tues :)