
Desync/disconnection problem

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The replay of https://www.kungfuchess.org/game/138740 demonstrates some sort of disconnection issue.

It seems pre-move data is saved in the replay (but only rendered when you're logged in as the player in question, so you may have to open the database to see it?), and the pre-move of the white king from d1 to d2 (capturing the black queen, time stamps seem inconsistent between replay speeds) simply fails to execute for several seconds, when it does execute, the king then moves on to c1 while still in cooldown.

During the several seconds where the pre-move wouldn't execute, it was also impossible to enter moves.

I'd estimate this issue afflicts perhaps half my recent games. I'd suspect my own internet connection failing, but the AI also seems unable to exploit the openings the disconnect provides, as if it weren't just my browser failing to submit timely moves. No browser console output is generated when this happens.

The issue may be related to an apparent problem where the AI, somewhere in the endgame, simply stops making moves. Indeed the AI moves no pieces after the strange behavior of the white king, even a rudimentary self-saving dodge at the end. Still looking for a replay that more clearly demonstrates that issue, which may or may not be the same as the disconnect demonstrated here.

Dead-fish AI split into its own issue at #18.