
View Private Repositories (accessible by the logged in GitHub User)

stanvarlamov opened this issue · 1 comments

In Chrome, when I logged in into GitHub, navigate to a private repo I have access to and click on "Edit with EXLcode" - I get the wheel spinning and see in Chrome console: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" on https://api.github.com/repos//?&timestamp=1533803608105
Looks like the call to the API should somehow authenticate, which is not happening

Belongs in exlcode/exlcode, but anyways... When you first sign up there's an option to add private and/or public repos and then within Github you can control which organization's repos you can read/write, etc.

It's just part of a broader issue of bootstrapping some more informative communications to users... Really there's no way to know what causes the issue, since this is handled by GitHub and all we get are 404 errors...